Quality supervision on site pays off!
8 September 2021

Research shows that more than half (54%) of defects in construction projects can be attributed to human factors such as unskilled workers or insufficient supervision, and only 12% are due to system failures or defects in materials. Defects can generate very high costs and delays, and in the worst-case scenario, if they are not properly…

How does technology help us manage construction sites?
11 August 2021

The digital revolution is surely entering the construction and real estate sector. The awareness of the need for digitization is also rapidly growing. Pandemic made us realize that widespread adoption of technology is the only way to improve collaboration and increase productivity while managing the construction projects. In 2PM we implemented a digital transformation strategy…

Checking your residential development before proceeding to tenants acceptances. Building review services.
19 February 2021

The building review service and final acceptance of the general contractor works after completion of construction is dedicated to developers who care about their good reputation. Checking the quality of the finishing allows to avoid many problems when handing over the premises to future tenants and significantly increases customer satisfaction. Which companies can use this…

Communication in project management
1 September 2020
Komunikacja w zarządzaniu projektami

Recently, we conducted a mini-survey among our employees, clients, and followers of our LinkedIn profile on the most important soft skills in the work of Project Manager which determine the success of the project. The respondents had four options to choose from: good communication setting priorities delegating responsibilities negotiation skills. It came as no surprise…